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    Solid Aromatherapy Pendant - Iris Time Code + 2 Refills

    The Alice cipher design is inspired by the Sun King Louis XIV's Sun Totem and the Royal Iris logo. Iris, Greek, is a symbol of light and freedom in France. Louis XIV, the Sun King, created the elegance and fashion of France. He believed that the sun was surrounded by a unique light, and all things in the world were blessed by the sun. Louis XIV has avant-garde and unique views on art and fashion, especially in love with various perfumes and is known as the "King of Fragrance. Centuries later, Étonner traveled through time and space to bring this exquisite and elegant artistic incense ornament, allowing the elegant fashion of the Sun King to continue to bloom in the new era.

    Retail Price

    $ 12.5

    Market price

    $ 19.5


    • Specifications
      • Iris Time Code Ornament + 2 Refills
      • Refills - Jasmine Fragrance x 6PCS
      • Refills - Ocean Fragrance x 6PCS

    Stock surplus




    • Product Description
      • Brand: ÉTONNER途雅
      • Commodity name: Solid Aromatherapy Pendant - Iris Time Code + 2 Refills
      • Commodity ID: F1811

      The Alice cipher design is inspired by the Sun King Louis XIV's Sun Totem and the Royal Iris logo. Iris, Greek, is a symbol of light and freedom in France. Louis XIV, the Sun King, created the elegance and fashion of France. He believed that the sun was surrounded by a unique light, and all things in the world were blessed by the sun. Louis XIV has avant-garde and unique views on art and fashion, especially in love with various perfumes and is known as the "King of Fragrance. Centuries later, Étonner traveled through time and space to bring this exquisite and elegant artistic incense ornament, allowing the elegant fashion of the Sun King to continue to bloom in the new era.

    Key words:

    Solid Aromatherapy Pendant - Iris Time Code + 2 Refills

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